Submissions from 2019
How Xerox’s Intellectual Property Prevented Anyone From Copying Its Copiers, Jessica Silbey
Intellectual Property Harms: A Paradigm for the Twenty-First Century, Jessica Silbey
Justifying Copyright in the Age of Digital Reproduction: The Case of Photographers, Jessica Silbey
Right of Repair in the Digital Economy, Jessica Silbey
Copyright’s Memory Hole, Jessica Silbey and Eric Goldman
The Upside of Deep Fakes, Jessica Silbey and Woodrow Hartzog
Existential Copyright and Professional Photography, Jessica Silbey, Eva Subotnik, and Peter DiCola
Digital Health Privacy in Active-Aging Settings: Will the Law Let You Age Well?, Tara Sklar, Richard Carmona, Kathie Insel, and Christopher Robertson
Affordability Boards: The States’ New Fix for Drug Pricing, Tara Sklar and Christopher Robertson
Follow the Money? A Proposed Approach for Disclosure of Litigation Finance Agreements, Maya Steinitz
Considerations of History and Purpose in Constitutional Borrowing, Robert L. Tsai
Immigration Unilateralism and American Ethnonationalism, Robert L. Tsai
Manufactured Emergencies, Robert L. Tsai
Review of Extraordinary Racial Politics by Fred Lee, Robert L. Tsai
The Hidden Costs of Dissent, Robert L. Tsai
A Public Health Approach to Gun Violence, Legally Speaking, Michael Ulrich
Revisionist History? Responding to Gun Violence Under Historical Limitations, Michael Ulrich
Broadening Consumer Law: Competition, Protection, and Distribution, Rory Van Loo
Digital Market Perfection, Rory Van Loo
Regulatory Monitors: Policing Firms in the Compliance Era, Rory Van Loo
The Missing Regulatory State: Monitoring Businesses in an Age of Surveillance, Rory Van Loo
Common Ownership and Executive Incentives: The Implausibility of Compensation as an Anticompetitive Mechanism, David I. Walker
Employer Losses and Deferred Compensation, David I. Walker
Reforming Pensions While Retaining Shareholder Voice, David H. Webber
The Other Janus and the Future of Labor’s Capital, David H. Webber