
Submissions from 2021


Experimental Meets Intersectional: Visionary Black Feminist Pragmatism and Practicing Constitutional Democracy, Linda C. McClain


Obergefell, Masterpiece Cakeshop, Fulton, and Public-Private Partnerships: Unleashing v. Harnessing 'Armies of Compassion' 2.0?, Linda C. McClain

Palmore v. Sidoti: The Troubling Effects of "Private Biases", Linda C. McClain


Gendered Complications of Covid-19: Towards a Feminist Recovery Plan, Linda C. McClain and Naomi Cahn


Civic Education in Circumstances of Constitutional Rot and Strong Polarization Rot, Linda C. McClain and James E. Fleming


Patents and Price Fixing by Serial Colluders, Michael J. Meurer, William Kovacic, and Robert Marshall

Pursuing Medicaid Block Grants with the Healthy Adult Opportunity Initiative: Dressing Up Old Ideas in New Clothes, Edward Alan Miller, Nicole Huberfeld, and David K. Jones


Antibiotic resistance in the patient with cancer: Escalating challenges and paths forward, Amila Nanayakkara, Helen Boucher, Vance Fowler, Amanda Jezek, Kevin Outterson, and David Greenberg


Understanding University Fee Litigation: A Few Lessons About The Perils of Imprudence for Higher Ed Plan Sponsors, Maria O'Brien and Calvin Utter

Chapter 23: The Boundaries of Whiteness: From Till to Trayvon, Angela Onwuachi-Willig


Keep Passing the Baton: Reflections on the Legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Angela Onwuachi-Willig


The Intersectional Race and Gender Effects of the Pandemic in Legal Academia, Angela Onwuachi-Willig


The Trauma of Awakening to Racism: Did the Tragic Killing of George Floyd Result in Cultural Trauma for Whites?, Angela Onwuachi-Willig


(Re)Framing Race in Civil Rights Lawyering, Angela Onwuachi-Willig and Anthony V. Alfieri

Estimating The Appropriate Size Of Global Pull Incentives For Antibacterial Medicines, Kevin Outterson


Patient access in fourteen high-income countries to new antibacterials approved by the FDA, EMA, PMDA, or Health Canada, 2010-2020, Kevin Outterson, Ebiowei S F Orubu, Muhammad H. Zaman, John Rex, and Christine Årdal

The Impact of Infections on Reimbursement in 92 US Hospitals, 2015-2018, Kevin Outterson, Laura Puzniak, Vikas Gupta, Kalvin C. Yu, and Gang Ye

Decision-making in Arbitration, William W. Park


Swords into Plowshares: A Pilgrimage for the CSS Alabama, William W. Park


The Transient and the Permanent in Arbitration, William W. Park


A Prelude to a Critical Race Perspective on Civil Procedure, Portia Pedro


"Hey, Hey! Ho, Ho! These Mass Arrests Have Got to Go!": The Expressive Fourth Amendment Argument, Karen Pita Loor


The Expressive Fourth Amendment, Karen Pita Loor

Are Arbitrators Biased in ICSID Arbitration? A Dynamic Perspective, Weijia Rao

Domestic Politics and Settlement in Investor-State Arbitration, Weijia Rao