Submissions from 2021
The Criminalization of Foreign Relations, Steven Arrigg Koh
Epilogue: Symposium Pnina Lahav: Between Two Worlds, Pnina Lahav
Deep Tracks: Album Cuts that Help Define The Essential Scalia, Gary S. Lawson
(Hypothetical) Communication in (Hypothetical) Context, Gary S. Lawson
What is "United" About the United States?, Gary S. Lawson
Review of The Injustices of Rape: How Activists Responded to Sexual Violence, 1950–1980 by Catherine O. Jacquet, Gerald F. Leonard
Long Overdue: Fifth Amendment Protection for Corporate Officers, Tracey Maclin
Classrooms into Courtrooms, Naomi M. Mann
Tribute to Bob Burdick, Naomi M. Mann
Shifting Standards of Judicial Review During the Coronavirus Pandemic in the United States, Wendy K. Mariner
A ‘No Exceptions’ Tax System for the 21st Century, Stephen G. Marks
A Radical, Subaltern Chorus: Saidiya Hartman’s Album of Rebellious Young Black Women, Linda C. McClain
Bigotry, Civility, and Reinvigorating Civic Education: Government's Formative Task Amidst Polarization, Linda C. McClain
Bigotry, Prophecy, Religion, and the Race Analogy in Marriage and Civil Rights Battles: Responding to Commentaries on Who's the Bigot?, Linda C. McClain
Experimental Meets Intersectional: Visionary Black Feminist Pragmatism and Practicing Constitutional Democracy, Linda C. McClain
Obergefell, Masterpiece Cakeshop, Fulton, and Public-Private Partnerships: Unleashing v. Harnessing 'Armies of Compassion' 2.0?, Linda C. McClain
Palmore v. Sidoti: The Troubling Effects of "Private Biases", Linda C. McClain
Gendered Complications of Covid-19: Towards a Feminist Recovery Plan, Linda C. McClain and Naomi Cahn
Civic Education in Circumstances of Constitutional Rot and Strong Polarization Rot, Linda C. McClain and James E. Fleming
Patents and Price Fixing by Serial Colluders, Michael J. Meurer, William Kovacic, and Robert Marshall
Pursuing Medicaid Block Grants with the Healthy Adult Opportunity Initiative: Dressing Up Old Ideas in New Clothes, Edward Alan Miller, Nicole Huberfeld, and David K. Jones
Antibiotic resistance in the patient with cancer: Escalating challenges and paths forward, Amila Nanayakkara, Helen Boucher, Vance Fowler, Amanda Jezek, Kevin Outterson, and David Greenberg
Understanding University Fee Litigation: A Few Lessons About The Perils of Imprudence for Higher Ed Plan Sponsors, Maria O'Brien and Calvin Utter
Chapter 23: The Boundaries of Whiteness: From Till to Trayvon, Angela Onwuachi-Willig