
Submissions from 1984

Charting the Future Course for Corporate Management of Health Risks, Michael S. Baram

The Right to Know and the Duty to Disclose Hazard Information, Michael S. Baram

Redeployment of Tax Expenditures for Housing, Alan L. Feld


Indirect Aid to the Arts, Alan L. Feld and Michael O'Hare

Bank Loan Participations under the Securities Acts, Tamar Frankel


Corporate Directors Duty of Care: The American Law Institute Project on Corporate Governance, Tamar Frankel

Decision Making for Social Investing, Tamar Frankel


The Business Judgement Rule, Tamar Frankel


The Consumer's Emerging Right to Boycott: NAACP v. Claiborne Hardware and its Implications for American Labor Law, Michael C. Harper

Illusory Wage Differentials: Comment, Keith N. Hylton

The Dilemma of Dual Loyalty, Pnina Lahav


The Intellectual Development of the American Doctrine of Judicial Review, Pnina Lahav

Formal Justice, Moral Commitment, and Judicial Precedent, David B. Lyons

Founders and Foundations of Legal Positivism, David B. Lyons

Justification and Judicial Responsibility, David B. Lyons

Reviewed Work: H.L.A. Hart by Neil MacCormick, David B. Lyons

Review of Essays in Jurisprudence and Philosophy by H.L.A. Hart, David B. Lyons

Review of The Limits of Obligation by James S. Fishkin, David B. Lyons


Biological Monitoring: The Employer's Dilemma, Frances H. Miller

In Vitro Fertilization and Other Non-Coital Reproduction Techniques, Frances H. Miller


Arbitration of International Contract Disputes, William W. Park

The Influence of National Legal Systems on International Commercial Arbitration : Recent Developments in English Arbitration Law, William W. Park


Timing Under a Unified Wealth Transfer Tax, Theodore S. Sims

Selected Problems on the Time Value of Money, Theodore S. Sims, Noel Cunningham, and James S. Halpern

Submissions from 1983


In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer: Medicolegal Aspects of a New Technique to Create a Family, George J. Annas