
Submissions from 1983


Modern Unilateral Contracts, Mark Pettit


Standards of Medical Care Based on Consensus Rather than Evidence: The Case of Routine Bedrail Use for the Elderly, Howard S. Rubenstein, Frances H. Miller, Sholem Postel, and Hilda B. Evans


English Judicial Recognition of a Right to Privacy, David J. Seipp


Review of The Law and Process of Post-Conviction Remedies by Ira P. Robbins, Larry Yackle


The Exhaustion Doctrine in Federal Habeas Corpus: An Argument for a Return to First Principles, Larry Yackle


The Reagan Administration's Habeas Corpus Proposals, Larry Yackle

Submissions from 1982


Mandatory PKU Screening: The Other Side of the Looking Glass, George J. Annas


The Emerging Stowaway: Patients' Rights in the 1980s, George J. Annas


Developments in Banking Law: 1980-81, Dennis S. Aronowitz and Robert Volk


Managing Flood Risk: Technical Uncertainty in the National Flood Insurance Program, Michael S. Baram and J. Raymond Miyares


Bargaining in the Shadow of the Law: A Testable Model of Strategic Behavior, Robert Cooter, Stephen G. Marks, and Robert Mnookin


The Tax Benefit of Bliss, Alan L. Feld


A Critique of John Hart Ely's Quest for the Ultimate Constitutional Interpretivism of Representative Democracy, James E. Fleming


Fair Use as Market Failure: A Structural and Economic Analysis of the Betamax Case and its Predecessors, Wendy J. Gordon


Leveling the Road from Borg-Warner to First National Maintenance: The Scope of Mandatory Bargaining, Michael C. Harper


The Exercise of Executive Discretion: A Study of a Regional Office of the Department of Labor, Michael C. Harper

The Revolution in Family Law: 45 Landmark Decisions: Four Experts Look at the Most Significant Cases Handed Down During the Last Two Decades, Monroe L. Inker, Sanford N. Katz, Frances H. Miller, Walter Weyrauch, and Randall M. Chastain

Comparative Press Laws, Pnina Lahav

Benevolence and Justice in Mill, David B. Lyons

Moral Aspects of Legal Theory, David B. Lyons

Review of The Authority of Law: Essays on Law and Morality by Joseph Raz, David B. Lyons


Utility and Rights, David B. Lyons

Dying in Hospice: Legal Problems, Frances H. Miller

Proposals for Child-Centered Divorce, Frances H. Miller

Conflicts of Interest in the Simultaneous Representation of Multiple Clients: A Proposed Solution to the Current Confusion and Controversy, Nancy Moore