Submissions from 1999
Review of The Year Books of Richard II: 1382-1383 by Samuel E. Thorne & George F. Deiser, eds., David J. Seipp
Miller v. Albright: Problems of Constitutionalization in Family Law, Katharine B. Silbaugh
Future Claims and Successor Liability in Bankruptcy, Frederick Tung
Taking Future Claims Seriously: Future Claims and Successor Liability in Bankruptcy, Frederick Tung
Rethinking Rights of First Refusal, David I. Walker
Submissions from 1998
A National Bill of Patients' Rights, George J. Annas
Human Cloning: A Choice or an Echo, George J. Annas
Human Rights and Health - The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 50, George J. Annas
Human Rights and Maternal-Fetal HIV Transmission Prevention Trials in Africa, George J. Annas
Partial-Birth Abortion, Congress, and the Constitution, George J. Annas
Protecting Patients from Discrimination: The Americans with Disabilities Act and HIV Infection, George J. Annas
Protecting Soldiers from Friendly Fire: The Consent Requirement for Using Investigational Drugs and Vaccines in Combat, George J. Annas
The Shadowlands: Secrets, Lies, and Assisted Reproduction, George J. Annas
Electromagnetic Fields: Health Risks and Environmental Justice, Michael S. Baram
EMF and Liability Claims Under California Law, Michael S. Baram and D Dana
Transgenic Agriculture: Biosafety and International Trade, Michael S. Baram, Calestuous Juma, Sheldon Krimsky, and Rufus King
Autopoiesis and the 'Relative Autonomy' of Law, Hugh Baxter
Managing Legal Change: The Transformation of Establishment Clause Law, Hugh Baxter
Holmes's Good Man: A Comment on Levinson and Balkin, Jack M. Beermann
Lawyering Up, Jack M. Beermann and Susan Bandes
Discovery, Learning and Adoption of New Techniques: Choosing Specialization to Optimize Technical Progress, James Bessen
Productivity Adjustments and Learning-by-Doing as Human Capital, James Bessen
Policing for Profit: The Drug War’s Hidden Economic Agenda, Eric D. Blumenson and Eva S. Nilsen
Collapse Section 341, Alan L. Feld
Constitutional Tragedy in Dying: Or Whose Tragedy Is It, Anyway?, James E. Fleming