Submissions from 1999
Open Texture and the Possibility of Legal Interpretation, David B. Lyons
Original Intent and Legal Interpretation, David B. Lyons
Going Hollywood with Patient Rights in Managed Care, Wendy K. Mariner
Standards of Care and Standard Form Contracts: Distinguishing Patient Rights and Consumer Rights in Managed Care, Wendy K. Mariner
Reconstructive Tasks for a Liberal Feminist Conception of Privacy, Linda C. McClain
The Liberal Future of Relational Feminism: Robin West's Caring for Justice, Linda C. McClain
Toward a Formative Project of Securing Freedom and Equality, Linda C. McClain
Digital Technology and Copyright: A Threat or a Promise - Introduction, Michael J. Meurer
Fair Division, Michael J. Meurer
Practice Guidelines and Medical Malpractice Liability, Frances H. Miller
Preface: Electronic Medical Information: Privacy, Liability and Quality Issues, Frances H. Miller
The Case Against Changing the Aggregate Settlement Rule in Mass Tort Lawsuits, Nancy J. Moore
The Ethical Role and Responsibilities of a Lawyer-Ethicist: The Case of the Independent Counsel's Independent Counsel, Nancy J. Moore
Possible Solutions: Policy Tools to Achieve Flexibility to Meet New Conditions, Preliminary Thoughts for Coping with Future Droughts, Maria O'Brien
Proceedings of the 1999 Annual Meeting, Association of American Law Schools Section on Employment Discrimination Law: Is There a Disconnect between EEO Law and the Workplace?, Maria O'Brien, Douglas D. Scherer, James Sharf, Richard Seymour, and Paulette Caldwell
The Verdict on Roberts v. Texaco, Angela Onwuachi-Willig
When Different Means the Same: Applying a Different Standard of Proof to White Plaintiffs Under the McDonnell Douglas Prima Facie Case Test, Angela Onwuachi-Willig
Progressing Towards a Uniform Commercial Code for Electronic Commerce or Racing Toward Nonuniformity?, Maureen A. O'Rourke
Commentary and Translation of The Art of Doubting and Believing by Sebastian Castellion, William W. Park
Duty and Discretion in International Arbitration, William W. Park
Spiritual Energy and Secular Power, William W. Park
The United Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, William W. Park
Religion and the Public Defender, Sadiq Reza
Chief Justice Holmes on the Science and Art (and Politics) of Judging, David J. Seipp