Submissions from 1999
The Provision of Capital and Collective Bargaining Responsibilities, Michael C. Harper
A Note on Trend-Spotting in the Case Law, Keith N. Hylton
Preserving Competition: Economic Analysis, Legal Standards and Microsoft, Keith N. Hylton and Ronald A. Cass
The Community Reinvestment Act: Questionable Premises and Perverse Incentives, Keith N. Hylton and Vincent D. Rougeau
The Other Way Round, Susan P. Koniak
Bargaining in the Shadow of Democracy, Susan P. Koniak and David Dana
Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press, Pnina Lahav
The First Decade of Israeli Law, The Courts of Law, Pnina Lahav
Delegation and the Constitution, Gary S. Lawson
Taking Notes: Subpoenas and Just Compensation, Gary S. Lawson
The Bill of Rights As an Exclamation Point, Gary S. Lawson
Downsizing the Right to Petition, Gary S. Lawson and Guy I. Seidman
The Boeing-McDonnell Douglas Merger: Competition Law, Parochialism, and the Need for a Globalized Antitrust System, Kathleen Luz
Hart, H.L.A., David B. Lyons
Open Texture and the Possibility of Legal Interpretation, David B. Lyons
Original Intent and Legal Interpretation, David B. Lyons
Going Hollywood with Patient Rights in Managed Care, Wendy K. Mariner
Standards of Care and Standard Form Contracts: Distinguishing Patient Rights and Consumer Rights in Managed Care, Wendy K. Mariner
Reconstructive Tasks for a Liberal Feminist Conception of Privacy, Linda C. McClain
The Liberal Future of Relational Feminism: Robin West's Caring for Justice, Linda C. McClain
Toward a Formative Project of Securing Freedom and Equality, Linda C. McClain
Digital Technology and Copyright: A Threat or a Promise - Introduction, Michael J. Meurer
Fair Division, Michael J. Meurer
Practice Guidelines and Medical Malpractice Liability, Frances H. Miller
Preface: Electronic Medical Information: Privacy, Liability and Quality Issues, Frances H. Miller