Submissions from 1998
Archibald Cox: Teacher, David J. Seipp
Grounded Applications: Feminism and Law at the Millennium, Katharine B. Silbaugh
Marriage Contracts and the Family Economy, Katharine B. Silbaugh
Medical Malpractice Implications of Alternative Medicine, David M. Studdert, David M. Eisenberg, Frances H. Miller, Daniel A. Curto, Ted J. Kaptchuk, and Troyen A. Brennan
Defending the Middle Way: Intermediate Scrutiny as Judicial Minimalism, Jay D. Wexler
The ABA's Proposed Moratorium on the Death Penalty: The American Bar Association and Federal Habeas Corpus, Larry Yackle
Submissions from 1997
Patients' Rights in Managed Care - Exit, Voice, and Choice, George J. Annas
Reefer Madness: The Federal Response to California's Medical-Marijuana Law, George J. Annas
The Bell Tolls for a Constitutional Right to Physician-Assisted Suicide, George J. Annas
Tobacco Litigation as Cancer Prevention: Dealing with the Devil, George J. Annas
Human Cloning - Should the United States Legislate against It, George J. Annas and John Robertson
Shame, Blame and Liability: Why Safety Management Suffers Organizational Learning Disabilities, Michael S. Baram
The Laws of Genetics, Michael S. Baram
Internet Entrepreneurs, New Traffic Patterns, and Policy Issues, Michael S. Baram, Marv Goldschmitt, Richard J. Testa, and Thomas C. Siekman
Common Law Elements of the Section 1983 Action, Jack M. Beermann
The Reach of Administrative Law in the United States, Jack M. Beermann
The Missing View of the Cathedral: The Private Law Paradigm of European Legal Integration, Daniela Caruso
Fewer Tax Returns, Alan L. Feld
Legal Differences without Economic Distinctions: Points, Penalties, and the Market for Mortgages, Alan L. Feld
Fidelity to Our Imperfect Constitution, James E. Fleming
Original Meaning Without Originalism, James E. Fleming
In Search of a Substantive Republic, James E. Fleming and Linda C. McClain
Knowledge Transfer: Consulting and Teaching in China, Tamar Frankel
Securitization of Loans: Asset-Backed Securities and Structured Financing, Tamar Frankel
On the Economics of Copyright, Restitution and 'Fair Use': Systemic Versus Case-by-Case Responses to Market Failure, Wendy J. Gordon