Submissions from 2002
Lawyer Ethics Code Drafting in the Twenty-First Century, Nancy J. Moore
Revisions, Not Revolution: Targeting Lawyer/Client Relations, Electronic Communications, Conflicts of Interests, Nancy J. Moore
Common Law and Statutory Restrictions on Access: Contract, Trespass, and the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, Maureen A. O'Rourke
Amending the Federal Arbitration Act, William W. Park
Award Enforcement under the New York Convention, William W. Park
Complex Issues in International Arbitration, William W. Park
Income Tax Treaty Arbitration, William W. Park
Investor Nations as Host States under NAFTA Chapter 11, William W. Park
Privacy and the Post-September 11 Immigration Detainees: The Wrong Way to a Right (and Other Wrongs), Sadiq Reza
Marbury and Judicial Deference: The Shadow of Whittington v. Polk and the Maryland Judiciary Battle, Jed Handelsman Shugerman
The Louisiana purchase and South Carolina's reopening of the slave trade in 1803, Jed Handelsman Shugerman
Sex Offenses: Consensual, Katharine B. Silbaugh
What Do We Do When We Do Law and Popular Culture, Jessica Silbey
Dimensions of Negligence in Criminal and Tort Law, Kenneth Simons
The Changing Face of Recognition in International Law: A Case Study of Tibet, Robert D. Sloane
Conceptualizing Constitutional Litigation as Anti-Government Expression: a Speech-Centered Theory of Court Access, Robert L. Tsai
After Orange County: Reforming California Municipal Bankruptcy Law, Frederick Tung
From Monopolists to Markets?: A Political Economy of Issuer Choice in International Securities Regulation, Frederick Tung
Passports, Private Choice, and Private Interests: Regulatory Competition and Cooperation in Corporate, Securities, and Bankruptcy Law, Frederick Tung
Managerial Power and Rent Extraction in the Design of Executive Compensation, David I. Walker
Framing the Public Square, Jay D. Wexler
Preparing for the Clothed Public Square: Teaching About Religion, Civic Education, and the Constitution, Jay D. Wexler
Ruminations on Tenure, Ronald E. Wheeler
Submissions from 2001
Reinterpreting Palestinian Refugee Rights under International Law, Susan M. Akram
Conjoined Twins: The Limits of Law at the Limits of Life, George J. Annas