Submissions from 2002
Bioterrorism, Public Health, and Civil Liberties, George J. Annas
Cloning and the U.S. Congress, George J. Annas
Medical Privacy and Medical Research: Judging the New Federal Regulations, George J. Annas
Moral Progress, Mental Retardation, and the Death Penalty, George J. Annas
Protecting the Endangered Human: Toward an International Treaty Prohibiting Cloning and Inheritable Alterations, George J. Annas
Biotechnology and Social Control, Michael S. Baram
Improving Corporate Management of Risks to Health, Safety and Environment, Michael S. Baram
Habermas's Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy, Hugh Baxter
System and Lifeworld in Habermas's Theory of Law, Hugh Baxter
Administrative-Law-Like Obligations on Private[ized] Entities, Jack M. Beermann
Chapters 4 and 9, Jack M. Beermann
Chapters 5 and 12, Jack M. Beermann
The Unhappy History of Civil Rights Legislation, Fifty Years Later, Jack M. Beermann
Chapter 2: What Good is Free Software?, James Bessen
Hold-Up and Patent Licensing of Cumulative Innovations with Private Information, James Bessen
How to Construct an Underclass, Or How the War on Drugs Became a War on Education, Eric D. Blumenson and Eva S. Nilsen
Legal Liability and Managed Care, Randall R. Bovbjerg, Wendy K. Mariner, and Laurie A. Martinelli
Patent Settlement Agreements: Preliminary Views, Joseph F. Brodley and Maureen A. O'Rourke
Infringement Once Removed: The Perils of Hyperlinking to Infringing Content, Stacey Dogan
Convictions of Innocent Persons in Massachusetts: An Overview, Stanley Z. Fisher
The Lawyer as Citizen, James E. Fleming
Regulation and Investors' Trust in the Securities Market, Tamar Frankel
The Law of Cross-Border Securitization: Lex Juris, Tamar Frankel
The Managing Lawmaker in Cyberspace: A Power Model, Tamar Frankel
Authors, Publishers and Public Goods: Trading Gold for Dross, Wendy J. Gordon