Submissions from 2003
Copyright As Tort Law's Mirror Image: 'Harms', 'Benefits', and the Uses and Limits of Analogy, Wendy J. Gordon
Excuse and Justification in the Law of Fair Use: Transaction Costs Have Always Been Only Part of the Story, Wendy J. Gordon
Intellectual Property Law, Wendy J. Gordon
Law and the Future of Organized Labor in America, Keith N. Hylton
The Economics of Litigation and Arbitration: An Application to Franchise Contracts, Keith N. Hylton and Christopher R. Drahozal
Reexamining the Posse Comitatus Act: Toward a Right to Civil Law Enforcement, Sean J. Kealy
Corporate Fraud: See, Lawyers, Susan P. Koniak
When the Hurlyburly's Done: The Bar's Struggle with the SEC, Susan P. Koniak
Secret Settlements and Practice Restrictions Aid Lawyer Cartels and Cause Other Harms, Susan P. Koniak and David Dana
Archetypal Trials and the Management of Dissent: Some Insights from Marketing Theory, Pnina Lahav
Professor Ehud Sprinzak, In Memoriam, Pnina Lahav
An Empirical Test of Justice Scalia's Commitment to the Rule of Law, Gary S. Lawson
Interpretative Equality as a Structural Imperative (or 'Pucker Up and Settle This!'), Gary S. Lawson
Towards a Legal History of American Criminal Theory: Culture and Doctrine from Blackstone to the Model Penal Code, Gerald F. Leonard
Unfinished Business: Racial Junctures in US History and Their Legacy, David B. Lyons
Public Health and Law: Past and Future Visions, Wendy K. Mariner
Taking Informed Consent Seriously in Global HIV Vaccine Research, Wendy K. Mariner
Intimate Affiliation and Democracy: Beyond Marriage?, Linda C. McClain
Controlling Opportunistic and Anti-Competitive Intellectual Property Litigation, Michael J. Meurer
Pharmacogenomics, Genetic Tests, and Patent-Based Incentives, Michael J. Meurer
Vertical Restraints and Intellectual Property Law: Beyond Antitrust, Michael J. Meurer
A Roadmap for Health Care Accountability, Frances H. Miller
Introduction Patient Rights and Health Care Resources: Two Sides of an Irregular Coin, Frances H. Miller
The Hidden Hazards of Clinical Trials, Frances H. Miller
The National Resident Matching Program and Antitrust, Frances H. Miller and Thomas L. Greaney