Submissions from 2004
Legal and Ethical Duties of Lawyers After Sarbanes-Oxley, Susan P. Koniak, George M. Cohen, and Roger C. Cramton
Facing Occupation: How did Americans Justify Slavery and What May We Learn from their History about Ours?, Pnina Lahav
History in Journalism and Journalism in History: Anthony Lewis and the Watergate Crisis, Pnina Lahav
Theater in the Courtroom, the Chicago Conspiracy Trial, Pnina Lahav
Interpretative Equality as a Structural Imperative (or 'Pucker Up and Settle This!'), Gary S. Lawson
Making a Federal Case of It: Sabri v. United States and the Constitution of Leviathan, Gary S. Lawson
Making Workshops Work, Gary S. Lawson
Corrective Justice, Equal Opportunity, and the Legacy of Slavery and Jim Crow, David B. Lyons
Reparations and Equal Opportunity, David B. Lyons
An Alternative Model to United States Bar Examinations: The South African Community Service Experience in Licensing Attorneys, Peggy Maisel
Can Consumer-Choice Plans Satisfy Patients? Problems with Theory and Practice in Health Insurance Contracts, Wendy K. Mariner
The Supreme Court's Limitation of Managed-Care Liability, Wendy K. Mariner
Bidder Collusion and Antitrust Law: Refining the Analysis of Price Fixing to Account for the Special Features of Auction Markets, Robert Marshall and Michael J. Meurer
Negotiating Gender and (Free and Equal) Citizenship: The Place of Associations, Linda C. McClain
The Domain of Civic Virtue in a Good Society: Families, Schools, and Sex Equality, Linda C. McClain
Law, Economics, and the Theory of the Firm, Michael J. Meurer
Too Many Markets or Too Few? Copyright Policy Toward Shared Works, Michael J. Meurer
Why Don’t Doctors & Lawyers (Strangers in the Night) Get Their Act Together?, Frances H. Miller
Vaccines and Immunotherapies to Control Addiction in Minors: The Legal Framework, Frances H. Miller and Kaley Klanica
Not Quite a Client: New Ethics Rule Provides Guidance on a Lawyer's Duty to Prospective Clients, Nancy J. Moore
The Changing World of Employee Benefits, Maria O'Brien
Free Trade Against Free Riders?, Kevin Outterson
Medicare Act (1965), Kevin Outterson
Prohibition of the Slave Trade (1807), Kevin Outterson
Medicolegal Considerations and Duties, Brett Pangburn, Laura Stephens, Carolyn Wood, and Robert Sheridan