Submissions from 1973
Technology Assessment and Social Control, Michael S. Baram
Another Word on Child Care, Alan L. Feld
Regulation of Variable Life Insurance, Tamar Frankel
Regulation of Variable Life Insurance, Tamar Frankel
Freedom of Expression During National Security Crises, Pnina Lahav
On Formal Justice, David B. Lyons
The Family and Inheritance, Frances H. Miller
Collateral Challenges to Criminal Convictions, Larry Yackle
Submissions from 1972
Medical Remedies and Human Rights: Why Civil Rights Lawyers Must Become Involved in Medical Decision-Making, George J. Annas
Future Growth and Technology, Michael S. Baram
The Legal and Regulatory Framework for Thermal Discharge from Nuclear Power Plants, Michael S. Baram
Deductibility of Expenses for Child Care and Household Services: New Section 214, Alan L. Feld
Variable Rental Provisions in Long Term Ground Leases, Neil S. Hecht
Logic and Coercion in Bentham's Theory of Law, David B. Lyons
On Reading Bentham, David B. Lyons
Rawls Versus Utilitarianism, David B. Lyons
Was Bentham a Utilitarian?, David B. Lyons
The Indigent's Right to a Transcript of Record, Larry Yackle
Submissions from 1971
Manpower for Environmental Action: A Proposal, Michael S. Baram
Social Control of Science and Technology, Michael S. Baram
Traditional Criminal Procedure in Ethiopia, Stanley Z. Fisher
Variable Annuities, Variable Insurance and Separate Accounts, Tamar Frankel
Submissions from 1970
Extemporaneous Comment, Michael S. Baram
The Social Control of Science and Technology, Michael S. Baram
Criminal Procedure for Juvenile Offenders in Ethiopia, Stanley Z. Fisher