
Submissions from 1975

State Energy Legislation and the Siting of Facilities, Michael S. Baram

Is Museum Speculation in Art Immoral, Illegal and Insufficiently Fattening?, Alan L. Feld and Michael O'Hare


The Victim's Role in Criminal Prosecutions in Ethiopia, Stanley Z. Fisher

The Chef de Section: Structure and Function of Haiti's Basic Administrative Institution, Pnina Lahav


The Division of Legal Labor in Rural Haiti, Pnina Lahav


On Justifying Enforced Requirements: A Reply to Baier, David B. Lyons

The Nature and Soundness of the Contract and Coherence Arguments, David B. Lyons

Blue Cross: What Went Wrong?, Frances H. Miller

Criminal Law and Procedure, David Rossman


The Scope of the Sixth Amendment: Who is a Criminal Defendant?, David Rossman


Taking Stock of Detainer Statutes, Larry Yackle


The Burger Court, 'State Action', and Congressional Enforcement of the Civil War Amendments, Larry Yackle


Thoughts on Rodriguez: Mr. Justice Powell and the Demise of Equal Protection Analysis in the Supreme Court, Larry Yackle

Submissions from 1974


Psychosurgery: The Law's Response, George J. Annas


The Patient Rights Advocate: Redefinig the Doctor-Patient Relationship in the Hospital Context, George J. Annas

Confessions of a Register Addict, Michael S. Baram


Environmental Law and Construction Project Management, Michael S. Baram


Implications of Minority Interest and Stock Restrictions In Valuing Closely-Held Shares, Alan L. Feld

Criminal Liability for Negligent Conduct in the United States, Stanley Z. Fisher


Problems and Potentials of Recycling Wastes for Aquaculture, Judith Kildow, John E. Huguenin, and Michael S. Baram


The Status of Women in Israel - Myth and Reality, Pnina Lahav


The Nature of the Contract Argument, David B. Lyons

New Developments in Hospital Law: The Hill-Burton Act and Delivery of Uncompensated Medical Services - A Brief Analysis of the Federal Regulation, Frances H. Miller

Criminal Law and Procedure, David Rossman


Private Use of Public Facilities: A Comment on Gilmore v. City of Montgomery, Larry Yackle