Submissions from 2000
Rules for Research on Human Genetic Variation: Lessons from Iceland, George J. Annas
The Man on the Moon, Immortality, and Other Millennial Myths: The Prospects and Perils of Human Genetic Engineering, George J. Annas
The Rich Have More Money, George J. Annas
Tobacco, the Food and Drug Administration, and Congress, George J. Annas
Ulysses and the Fate of Frozen Embryos - Reproduction, Research, or Destruction?, George J. Annas
An Alewife Primer: Can This Urban Wilderness Be Saved?, Michael S. Baram
Medical Error and Responsibility in Managed Healthcare, Michael S. Baram
Symposium: Advances in Biomaterials and Devices, and Their Financing, Michael S. Baram, Ronald A. Cass, Steven Bauer, Joyce Wong, Martin Yarmush, Joshua Tolkoff, and Rufus King
Symposium: Regulatory and Liability Considerations, Michael S. Baram, Ellen Flannery, Patricia Davis, and Gary Marchant
Patent Rights and Licensing, Michael S. Baram, Ashley Stevens, Thomas Meyers, and Michael J. Meurer
The Canon and the Constitution Outside the Courts, Sotirios Barber and James E. Fleming
Adjudication, Jack M. Beermann and Gary Edles
New Plants as Natural Experiments in Economic Adjustment: Adjustment Costs, Learning-by-Doing and Lumpy Investment, James Bessen
The Skills of the Unskilled in the American Industrial Revolution, James Bessen
When Fathers' Rights are Mothers' Duties: The Failure of Equal Protection in Miller v. Albright, Kristin Collins
Taxes, Bankruptcy, and Lazarus Problem, Alan L. Feld
The Constitution Outside the Courts, James E. Fleming
The Parsimony of Libertarianism, James E. Fleming
Accountants' Independence the Recent Dilemma, Tamar Frankel
The Different Design of Corporate Governance Under State Law and Federal Law and the Aftermath of the Strougo Case, Tamar Frankel
Securitizing Insurance Risks, Tamar Frankel and Joseph W. LaPlume
Forward to Amicus Brief on the Status of Palestinian Refugees Under International Refugee Law, Guy Goodwin-Gill and Susan M. Akram
Copyright and Parody: Touring the Certainties of Property and Restitution, Wendy J. Gordon
Fine-Tuning Tasini: Privileges of Electronic Distribution and Reproduction, Wendy J. Gordon
Copyright, Wendy J. Gordon and Robert G. Bone