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Boston University School of Law
ROFESSOR STANLEY FISHER, MODERATOR: Good evening. I'd like to welcome you all here. Of all of the volumes of the Juvenile Justice Standards Project, I suppose the most controversial are those dealing with the disposition stage. They have elicited a good deal of critical comment, even though they haven't yet been published, and many of the comments and criticisms have apparently been on the basis of speculation and rumor as to what the Standards actually say. We have with us tonight to discuss these Standards two persons who have a great deal of expertise in this field. The first, on my left, is Judge Howard Levine of the Family Court in Schenectady, New York, who has been in that position for the past seven years. Before that, for some ten years he was District Attorney in Schenectady. On my right is Professor Fred Cohen, Professor of Law at the School of Criminal Justice at the State University of New York at Albany. Professor Cohen is the Editor-in-Chief of the Criminal Law Bulletin and was the reporter responsible for the Juvenile Justice Standards Project volume on Dispositional Procedures, which is one of the four volumes that are most relevant to the dispositional stage. Our format tonight is first to ask Judge Levine and then Professor Cohen to give their views of the major changes that they see being proposed in these volumes and to give a summary evaluation of those changes. After that we will continue our discussion and at appropriate times entertain questions from the floor.
Recommended Citation
Stanley Z. Fisher,
The Standards' Recommendations on Dispositions: A Panel Discussion Panel Discussion
Boston University Law Review
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