"Myths and Realities of the Palestinian Refugee Problem: Reframing the " by Susan M. Akram

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Publication Date

Spring 2008




Massachusetts Institute of Technology




The essay discusses elements of the Palestinian refugee problem that are found in numerous mass refugee situations in Africa, Central America, Asia and Europe. What remains unique about the Palestinian refugee problem is the persistent and severe denial of international protection, the lack of access both to a durable solution and to the mechanisms for implementing a durable solution -- minimum protection guarantees that are available to other refugee populations. This paper describes the main legal issues underlying the Palestinian refugee question, examining and deconstructing several of the key arguments surrounding the rights and principles involved in the refugee problem. These arguments are broadly described, discussing the actual rights involved, along with their implications for a just and durable solution to this core aspect of the Middle East conflict.


In symposium Commemorating the Naksa, Evoking the Nakba

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