Document Type
Book Review
Publication Date
Oxford University Press
John Harrington and Maria Stuttaford (eds). Global Health and Human Rights: Legal and Philosophical Perspectives. New York: Routledge, 2010. Pp. 232. £85 (pbk £24.99). ISBN: 9780415479387.
John Tobin. The Right to Health in International Law. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. Pp. 440. £74. ISBN: 9780199603299.
Two recent publications present a defence of the right to health as it is articulated in international law and also provide insights into the array of impediments to realizing the health right. Despite a perceived conceptual lack of coherence and a limited appreciation of its relevance among health care professionals identified in these two books, the right to health has nevertheless succeeded in capturing greater attention in global policy circles. Local health care system reform initiatives around the globe increasingly make reference to the right to health. Both books are particularly helpful additions to the literature in light of recent advances in the development of the health right.' Yet, each offers a very different assessment of its present status and prognosis for its future development.
Recommended Citation
Erika George,
Global Health and Human Rights: Legal and Philosophical Perspectives; The Right to Health in International Law
European Journal of International Law
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