Document Type
Regulatory Comment
Publication Date
Boston University School of Law
These comments were composed by an interdisciplinary group of legal, computer science, and data science faculty and researchers at Boston University and the University of Chicago. This group collaborates on research projects that grapple with the legal, policy, and ethical implications of the use of algorithms and digital innovation in general, and more specifically regarding the use of online platforms, machine learning algorithms for classification, prediction, and decision making, and generative AI. Specific areas of expertise include the functionality and impact of recommendation systems; the development of Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) and their relationship to privacy and data security laws; legal regulation of platforms under privacy, intellectual property, and antitrust laws; the science of monitoring and measuring the behavior of large deployed systems and networks; and programming languages and the science of rigorously specifying and verifying properties of algorithms and information systems.
Recommended Citation
Ran Canetti, Aloni Cohen, Chris Conley, Mark Crovella, Stacey Dogan, Marco Gaboardi, Woodrow Hartzog, Rory Van Loo, Christopher Robertson & Katharine B. Silbaugh,
National Telecommunications and Information Administration: Comments from Researchers at Boston University and the University of Chicago
Boston University School of Law Research Paper Series
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