Document Type
Book Review
Publication Date
University of California Berkeley School of Law
Today's twenty and thirty-something women have grown up in a world that is strikingly different from their mothers. Unlike their mothers, many of these women played sports in high school because of Title IX. Indeed, this generation of women has the opportunity to play professional basketball in the United State as opposed to just in Europe. A number of these women attend and study at colleges and universities with female presidents. Such women include undergraduate and graduate students at Harvard University, where Drew Gilpin Faust recently became the institution's first female President. Additionally, during the prime years of their careers, this generation of women has seen a black female, Condoleezza Rice, serve as Secretary of State for nearly three years. In November of 2008, these women also may witness the election of the first female President of the United States, Hillary Clinton. In light of these significant gains for women in society, one would expect this group of twenty and thirty-something women to embrace feminism. Yet, many do not.
Recommended Citation
Angela Onwuachi-Willig,
Girl, Fight!
Berkeley Journal of Gender Law and Justice
Available at:
Invited book review of Megan Seely, Fight Like A Girl: How to Be A Fearless Feminist (2007)