Document Type
Book Review
Publication Date
Green Bag Inc.
Workers, particularly women, are increasingly vocal about the poverty of family time that their jobs allow them. But what if a company responded by offering family-friendly policies that would reduce work hours, like job-sharing and parttime work, and no one signed up for them? What if instead workers signed up for “familyfriendly” services like long-hour on-site daycare that made it easier to stay at work longer? Sociologist Arlie Hochschild seeks to explain this puzzle in The Time Bind: When Work Becomes Home s Home Becomes Work. She portrays the modern workplace as carefully engineered to be friendly, relaxed, supportive, appreciative and enticing, particularly when it comes to work relationships, and the home as increasingly unappreciative, rushed, tense, and exhausting. We spend more time at work because we are following our hearts. We vote with our feet, even as we believe that we’d like to be at home more.
Recommended Citation
Katharine B. Silbaugh,
The Polygamous Heart?
Green Bag 2d
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