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Boston University School of Law
We have heard from the lawyer, the advocate's perspective of some of the legal issues involved in database protection and bioinformatics, and now we are going to hear an academic perspective on these issues. Professor Dennis Karjala is a professor at the Arizona State University College of Law with an interesting background. He has a Ph.D. in electrical engineering and taught in that field before going to law school at Boalt, and he is an internationally renowned expert on copyright law and computer law issues. Professor Karjala is going to talk to us about database protection issues. His presentation will be followed by some comments from Professor Simon Kasif, who is a professor of bioinformatics and biomedical engineering here at BU and also holds positions at Cambridge Research Lab and MIT. Professor Kasif has an interesting background in artificial intelligence and parallel and distributed computing algorithms. Professor Wendy Gordon, who needs no introduction to this audience at the School of Law, is one of the most renowned experts in copyright law and intellectual property law, and we will look forward to hearing her comments after those of Professor Kasif.
Recommended Citation
Wendy J. Gordon,
Comment on Data Protection Statutes and Bioinformatic Databases
Boston University Journal of Science and Technology Law
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