"How to Make Revenge Porn a Crime" by Danielle K. Citron

How to Make Revenge Porn a Crime

Document Type

Blog Post

Publication Date





During the course of a long-distance relationship, Holly Jacobs shared sexually explicit photos and videos with her ex-boyfriend. She trusted him to keep them private. After they broke up, Jacobs received an anonymous email with a link and a warning that “Someone is trying to make life very difficult for you.” When she clicked on the link, she discovered the nude images that she’d shared with her ex on a site hosting revenge porn—compromising photos, often put up by exes after a breakup, without the subject’s consent. Googling her name, Jacobs found her naked images had spread to hundreds of sites with captions featuring her name, work bio, and email address. Someone had also created a fake profile on a porn site posing as her. She received phone calls and emails from strangers demanding sex. She changed her name (to Jacobs) and left her part-time job so that strangers titillated by the posts could not find her.

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