Debunking Common Misconceptions About Professional Identity Formation and Our Take on How to Incorporate it into the 1L Skills Classroom
Document Type
Blog Post
Publication Date
University of St. Thomas
Due to the American Bar Association’s (ABA) recent adoption of Standard 303(b)(3), the term “professional identity formation” is now used in a more widespread manner throughout law schools. But what, exactly, is it? And how, exactly, should it be introduced into the 1L curriculum? Further, why do law schools tend to downgrade the importance – or rigorousness – of professional identity formation? When they do so, they risk missing a critical opportunity to develop whole, purpose-driven, mindful future lawyers. We seek here to explain our unique take on professional identity formation, debunk some common misconceptions, and combat the relative institutional diminishment of the importance of 303(b)(3).
Recommended Citation
Kathleen Luz & Marni Goldstein Caputo,
Debunking Common Misconceptions About Professional Identity Formation and Our Take on How to Incorporate it into the 1L Skills Classroom
Holloran Center Professional Identity Implementation Blog
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