Submissions from 1984
Note on Singer's The Legal Rights Debate in Analytical Jurisprudence From Betham to Hohfeld - 1984, Wendy J. Gordon
Note on Goetz's Law and Economics: Cases and Materials - 1984, Wendy J. Gordon
Note on the House of Cards: Revisiting Calabresi's Cathedral - 1984, Wendy J. Gordon
Draft of Conceptual/Linguistic Analysis - 1984, Wendy J. Gordon
Note on Caselaw Showing the “Property” Issue - 1984, Wendy J. Gordon
Note on Individualized v Particularized Entitlement Inquiries - 1984, Wendy J. Gordon
Outline of Issues Key: Revised Version - 1984, Wendy J. Gordon
Submissions from 1983
Note on The Problem of Flexible Standards - 1983, Wendy J. Gordon
Draft of The Misappropriation Explosion: Thoughts on the Development of Property Rights - 1983, Wendy J. Gordon
Submissions from 1982
Draft of Fair Use as Market Failure: A Structural and Economic Analysis of the Betamax Case and its Predecessors - 1982, Wendy J. Gordon
Abstract of Gift Failure versus Market Failure - 1982, Wendy J. Gordon
Fair Use as Market Failure: A Structural and Economic Analysis of the Betamax Case and its Predecessors, Wendy J. Gordon
Notes Re Betamax - 1982, Wendy J. Gordon
Submissions from 1981
Notes on Preemption and MISC - 1981, Wendy J. Gordon
Notes on MISC Re Contract - 1981, Wendy J. Gordon
Submissions from 1980
Lecture Draft on Sensory Recall Device - 1980, Wendy J. Gordon
Submissions from 1979
The Artist's Tax Dilemma, Wendy J. Gordon
The Artist's Tax Dilemma, Wendy J. Gordon