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Rather, he seeks to extract something from the victim that is properly the victim's, usually money, or to make the victim do something (e.g., sleep with him) that is ordinarily a behavior that the victim is at liberty not to engage in. The missing "rights" that Murphy seeks are therefore present and fairly uncontroversial: the rights not to have one's goods intentionally taken, or have one's liberty intentionally infringed, without justification. It is irrelevant whether or not it would be proper for the blackmailer to disclose the information, and thus destroy something the victim may value at a price even higher-than the goods demanded in the blackmail transaction. For no disclosure is intended and none occurs. Whatever justification might append to disclosure, none appends to a threat whose only motive and effect is to extract money or compliance.
Recommended Citation
Wendy J. Gordon, Truth and Consequences (Jan. 7, 1993) (unpublished manuscript).
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