"Fair Use, "Fared Use," and Public Rights: Amending Section 107 - Draft" by Wendy J. Gordon

Author granted license

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

Document Type

Article Draft

Publication Date





Under provocative titles like "Fared Use', and '"the end of friction," commentators argue about the viability of copyright's fair use doctrine in a word of instantaneous transactions. As collecting societies such as the Copyright Clearance Center extend their licensing prowess, and Internet-based electronic commerce has made it possible to purchase digital copies with the click of a mouse, the suggestion is sometimes made that fair use could or should disappear. Decisions in the Second and Sixth Circuits have hinted that fair use may be foreclosed if a licensing market exists or is possible. The presence of "traditional, reasonable, or likely to be developed markets", they say, counts heavily against fair use although a later decision suggests that fair use might still be viable in the ill-defined realm of transformative uses. For exact copies, it seems, the presence of a licensing mechanism might be fatal to fair use. This is a perilous direction for copyright law.



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