Administrative Law: Cases and Materials
Administrative Law: Cases and Materials is the product of a longstanding collaboration by a distinguished group of authors, each with extensive experience in the teaching, scholarship, and practice of administrative law. The Ninth Edition preserves the book’s distinctive features of functional organization and extensive use of case studies, with no sacrifice in doctrinal comprehensiveness or currency. By organizing over half of the book under the generic administrative functions of policymaking, adjudication, enforcement, and licensing, the book illuminates the common features of diverse administrative practices and the interconnection of otherwise disparate doctrines. Scattered throughout the book, case studies present leading judicial decisions in their political, legal, institutional, and technical context, thereby providing the reader with a much fuller sense of the reality of administrative practice and the important policy implications of seemingly technical legal doctrines. At the same time, the Ninth Edition fully captures the headline-grabbing nature of federal administrative practice in today’s politically divided world.
New to the 9th Edition:
- Extensive coverage of the Major Questions Doctrine and the decline of Chevron
- Expanded coverage of presidential policy initiatives including Executive Orders on immigration and Student Loan Debt Forgiveness.
- Updated coverage of standing to secure judicial review and the timing of judicial review especially when a party challenges an agency’s structure as unconstitutional.
- Updated coverage of the agency deliberation exception to the Freedom of Information Act.
- A new focus on issues concerning the propriety of agency adjudication and the denial of the right to a jury in private rights disputes.
Publication Date
Aspen Publishers, Inc
administrative law
Administrative Law | Law
Recommended Citation
Cass, Ronald A.; Diver, Colin S.; Beermann, Jack M.; and Mascott, Jennifer L., "Administrative Law: Cases and Materials" (2024). Books. 367.